Once I had a silver tongue

Writing is how I've always been able to express my self, my emotions.
Whether it be a journal, creating stories, poems, technical or marketing style writing for work...creating with words is simply part of who Kristy is at her core.

Once I had a silver tongue.
Now it belongs to the cat.
He got it and won't give it back.

Lately...the words just will... not.. come.
I struggle to put my thoughts into meaningful expressions...and I hit a wall.

No.  It is not a wall.
It's a door.
A giant wooden door.
Bolted shut by lock and key.

I have the key...I know I have the key, but like so many other items...I've lost the key.
I've searched everywhere.  I probably put it in a safe place...GREAT!

Normally I have so many thoughts my trouble is following a single thread vs. ALL of them.
But now when I follow a thread...it runs under that damned door.
The thread doesn't stop or end in a fray...I simply cannot follow it through the threshold.
My passage is blocked.

I've turned to my new found art skills that flourished after the brain injury.
I decided awhile ago I wanted to get a biohazard tattoo, but non-traditional.
Like me.
It gave me something else to focus on....to start the creative flow.
Created that in a day...two designs actually.
One out of dragons and another of cherry blossoms & branches.
Now what?
I see the issue isn't a creative flow stagnation.
What's wrong?

I'm writing now.  Maybe the topic I wanted to write about just isn't speaking to me...
maybe it isn't what I should be writing about.
The words normally flow out of me...almost as if I am
only the conduit writing down
another's thoughts.

I can't get back to that space.  Instead of bloodying my head on the door...
I am changing my perspective.
Right now...I'm not meant to write.
When the time is right, I will write

I need to let go. Then, maybe I'll find the key.
Think I'll go mow the lawn.
There are other things to be done.



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